Friday, February 18, 2011

When i see my best friend crying it totally kills me ):

i hated when someone just destroyed her life just like that . even she told me everything about that or about those people , totally i've just got mad ! tpi nak buat cnee kan . 
aku kne jdi the good listener kt dia time dia need me ~ aku kesian sgt if org buat dia cm dia neh ape je ! 
tau lah dia neh jenis cne ~ mmg lembut jee . aku soh marah balik pon pki 2 3 kali . atoii ;p sabaj jelaa aku ngn dia . haha . 
tpi seriously guys , if aku tau sape yg try nak buat dia mcm mcm , over my dead body 1st ! 

kat bawah neh ada aku letak gambar aku dgn dia (:

my happiness (:

she's the one ~

norshafiqah elina

neh jelaa ehh pictures yg aku boleh uploads . heheh

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