Thursday, February 17, 2011

One million memories, Ten thousand inside jokes, One hundred shared secrets One reason, Best friends !!

the reason why i can stand facing the problems is them ! i swear to god if i'm might have to lose one of them , surely it's hard for me and the rest to be like usual . actually laa kan , aku neh bukan rapat sgt ngn dorg neh , tpi ble dah 1 class n dorg pon kkdang salu jee buat probs , so aku pon join lahh skli kan . yg pkai tudung left side tuu , dia lahh Elyn , twins aku !!! n yg bwh dia tuu Aien ! n last pictures tuu Umey ! even kteorg skun neh pon cm dah tak brape nak rapat or sng ctee jarang contact each other dah , so aku more kan kt elyn laa . sbb kteorg since kt techne pon mmg dah rapat . yg due org tuu plak sbb dorg neh jnis yg happy go lucky . so senang nak get connected ! korg sure happening if hangout ngn dorg neh ! sumtimes without realizing , dorg neh mmg suke buat bgi org gelak . even if korg ada probs cnee pon , surely dorg neh boleh handle ! haha . thats why aku syg dorg lebeh ! hee ;p 

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