Friday, September 30, 2011

my bad !~

i'm sorry that i had to say those things. but i needed to hide what i felt. i'm sorry if i hurt you. i didn't mean to! i just didn't feel like saying what i felt then and there. 

i know it was wrong, but i had to do it. because i felt like if i told you the truth, you would never talk to me again. i didn't want to do it, and i truly regret it, but i couldn't help myself. 

now I don't know if you will ever talk to me again. i lied so that you won't hate me, but now i realize that by lying to you, you hate me now more that ever. i feel like the biggest idiot in the world for saying all those stupid things that i never should have said. 

i know i can't take it back, and that you won't ever forget them, but i hope in your heart you'll be kind enough to forgive me. 

but if you don't, i understand. i know that its hard to forgive me for all the things i have said. but can you at least try? because it would break me if i mean nothing at all to you. but I guess that's what happens when you lie. you break your own heart and destroy your friendship with the ones you care about most. you regret everything, but you can take nothing back, because what's done is done, and you have to live with your mistakes and your guilt for the rest of your life. i just wish that life had a restart button, or at least a time machine. so that i could go back in time and make everything right again. so that you wouldn't get hurt from all those things i did and said. so that we would still be friends. because none of that can happen now. neither you or not i will ever forget the lies i told to cover up the truth, and that's why our friendship will never be the same.

i don't think it will even exist anymore. i just wish that none of that ever happened and life would go back to the way it is. it wasn't perfect, but it was obviously better than the situation now. 

i know a million sorry's won't bring it back to what it was, but i really wish our friendship could survive something like this.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

story of me ;(

i never look at the past because it makes my future not worth anything . i try to move on as i go . i try to keep the emotions in control whenever i see something that makes my future meaningless . i keep the problems into minimum quality and forget them as i am move on with my life . better chance like this makes me happier and stronger and makes dreams come true faster . doing this makes me work harder and smarter and i will achieve faster to what i am working hard for.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

risau FINAL EXAM ! ;(

sape yang tak risau kalau ada sangkut ngn final exam an ? midterm pon dah boleh buat orang kecut perut . ini kan FINAL ! lagi lahh over takutt nyee . aku takutt 3 paper je . yg paling penting aku takut gilaa ngn paper EGP . aku tak paham apa yg dia nak kteorg buat kt paper dia . 
memang lahh kalau students yg kutuk lecturer ta senang hidup dia sebab lecturer tu lahh yg bgi ilmu sume . tpi ada cara dia . bukan mai ikutt apa yg kau suka ngn tak suka . boleh plak lecturer EGP tuu ckp yg apa kteorg blaja skun neh , "itu style lecturer lain, i punya style lain" ?? layak kee kau nak ikutt style kau ?? memang kau lecturer ! tapi please , jangan smpai nak buat perangai childish and treat kteorg neh mcm bebudak bru umur 2 tahun setengah !~
paper malaysian studies atleast dia boleh tolong and kteorg yg FAIL neh boleh tau mne kelemahan kteorg and salah kteorg jugak sebab tak study bbtol time midterm . tapi kalau paper EGP yg FAIL ? tak ke aku yg rse bangang ?? mcm kt skolah dlu tapena blaja memende neh . hadoiii ;( MISS !! NEXT TIME CHECK PAPER KTEORG ELOK ELOK TAU ;) JGN IKOT STYLE MISS :D SEBAB KNOWLEDGE YG LERTURER BAGI SUME SAMA :P 
hopefully ALLAH selamat kan paper EGP and MALAYSIAN STUDIES aku ;) harap sume okay tada masalah :D
AMIN  ♥ 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

All I know is everything she has, I don't have.

treat lahh aku cmtu lagi . aku tak kisah . dah memang nasib aku kenal kau and aku kena layan cmneh . isokay for me then :) you go girl :) i know you can live without him . just you have to strong !~ 
aku neh memang lahh strong dah ! just tak paham . npe laki boleh senang mintak maaf sedang kan kalau sekali , isokay . but kalau bekali-kali ?? tuu pilihan ke mistakes ??
emm ta paham lahh ngn dunia skun neh . ada pilihan tpi still buat mcm tada pilihan kan ?? main senang je nak say sorry sume . aku tau lahh aku neh jenis acane . suka memakse , suka moody , suka compare ngn org lain sume . tpi takan lahh dy taboleh nak paham yg aku neh tgah dok bgi hint kt dy ?? tak kan tuu pon aku kne cakap sebijik-sebijik ?? pelik kan weh ???
dah lama aku sabar ngn dy . and dah lama jugak aku buat dunnoe je kalau dy ada buat pape . mmg dy bawak aku kua . duit minyak sume dy tapena mintak . dy tapena merungut g mmne pon . and dy tapena mntak duit kt aku even sesen pon . tpi tak semestinya kalau dy ta mntak memenda tu aku boleh okay . aku boleh je nak bayar duit yg dy dah topup kan , duit makan yg kteorg pena kua . tada hal . tpi slow slow lahh .
boleh je nak abeh kan ?? emm tah lahh . sometimes timbul plak rse tak puas hati and rse menyesal ;( sebab kan dy , aku hilang ramai kawan lelaki . bukan nak perasan hot ! but kawan kan , dorg tana rpat dah ngn aku sebab dprg ckp dorg tana tgok aku gadoh ngn dy sume . sebab dorg paham laki acane . okay !
but atleast kan . appreciate skit apa yg dah aku sacrifice . mmg lahh ta byk . tpi dy ?? ada nak dga and buat apa aku nak ? sume org dpt bf , happy je . sume mnde bf dorg buat !~ aku ??.....
tayah nak tanya sgt lahh . korg pepaham jela  ;(

notes : kalau nak bercinta , pilih bbtol . atleast tada rse menyesal sume okay <3

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Why do you have to come into my life and screw me all over? my heart is not a toy. you shouldn't be playing with it. smile. why? because it makes me attractive. it changes my mood. it relieves stress and it helps me to stay positive. and whatever it is i want you to know that you are the only person who can still increase my heartbeats.

notesNever leave the one you love for the one you like, because the one you like will leave you for the one they love

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Saya selalu tengok awak bila awak tak pandang saya, saya sanggup tunggu awak bersiap, saya boleh tahan ikut
awak bershopping, saya fikirkan awak dulu dari diri saya...

Tapi awak... saya hanya harap awak lihat saya sekali je, bagi saya senyuman satu saje... Fikir tentang saya walaupun sekejap saja.. Teman ikut apa yang saya suka.. Itu pun awak tak mampu buat...

Sedihnya saye..

Friday, September 2, 2011

i miss the day ! ;)

gembira sgt dapat jumpa dua org yg aku sayang arineh ;) mana tak nye , sorg dok malu malu ! sorg agy kemain lagi kalau tengah seronok ! happy kan bila org yg kita sayang happy ? hee ;) thanks korg sebab g sunway jejalan ngn aku tadi ! and kau elyn , thanks sebab ajak aku g ROMP ! and kt situ , kau sempat agy nak menganjing aku kan ?? kau bahan aku kemain ! bukan skit . tpi banyak ;) haha . 
but isokay ! kau kenal kan aku acane ? tada aku nak amik hati . memang happy sgt ! ahaha ;))
and for awak b ! kemain lagi tdi an degil ?? soh buat tu tana . soh buat neh pon tana ! haihh ! sebaik lahh awak tuu pon saya sayang tauu ;) kalau tak sayang dah sepak awak tdi ;) hee !

neh antara pics yg di ambik kt sunway tadi . just sesuka letak eh ;) bukan niat nak show off ke apa :D

dia adalah seorang yang pemalu dengan kawan kawan saya ;)

'syg syg! amik gamba b cepat' ! alololo kiuttt beno perangai dia ;)

yaa ! saya seorang yang selekeh ! terima kasih atas pujian anada :D

dua model yang tak penah menjadi kalau amik gamba ;) *bukan professional :) haha

awww ! he look soo damn awesome babe ! jomm usha ! haha

'please gtau apa lagi gaya yg aku kne buat' ! dah confused ?!

tetap comel even buat muka selebek ;)
neh jelaa antara pics yang sempat aku amik ngn elyn and paly ;) if ada yang okay , akan di upload soon yaa <3