Boy: Boys are stronger then girls.
Girl: Oh! Please, can you carry a 7 pound baby in your stomach for 9 months?
Can you cook, clean and talk on the phone at the same time?
Can you burn your forehead with a curling iron and not complain?
Can you walk all day in 5 inch heels?
Can you cry all night then wake up the next morning like everything is okay?? Remember guys, woman are only
helpless until their nail polish dries. =P
Copy and paste it in your wall if YOU are proud of being a WOMAN.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Second Eid Mubarak with Him and Fourth Eid Mubarak With Elyn ;)
firstly, memang aku teruja ngn this entry ;) tak sangka sgt sekejap je masa kteorg kenal sume . tambah ngn elyn , dah dekat 4 years kenal since kt Teknik Klang time Form 5 ;) sgt teruja okay . and ngn Paly plak since last year ! even bru nak msuk second time , but tak kesah . janji aku rasa happy sgt kenal ngn dorg !
aku as Ismah Binti Ismail nak mintak maaf bebnyak kt korg bedua if aku neh ada menipu ke , marah ta kena tempat ke or ada terkutuk ;) Halal kan makan minum aku selama neh ;) but if ada hutang , jangan okay ! hutang still hutang ! memang kne bayar ;) kalau aku mati pon nanti tada aku tesekat kt memana ;) Hee
ELYN ; selama kita kenal neh kan if aku ada buat salah ngn kau maaf kan aku erkk ? aku neh bukan lahh twins yg perfect sgt pon . kekadang tuu ckp pon mengarut je . tpi kau layan kan je an ! hahaha ;) byk dah budi kau yg aku termakan ~ tatau nak bayar acane ! but whatever it is , aku tetap syg kau mcm adik aku even kita sebaya or bak kata Abu ' kembar tak seiras ' ! kuaja btol an dy ! hahah ;)
PALY ; b ! sorry sgt selama kita knal neh b ada tak puas hati ngn perangai syg yg hot tempered neh ! and suka marah tak tentu psl . hee ;) syg buat sume tuu pon sebab nak ckp kt b yg org neh syg sgtt kt b ! tapi tatau nak ckp acane ;) haha
notes : make sure korg this year raya ngn aku okay ! takesah lahh even jumpa kt umaa pon ! but please tau . RAYA ngn aku ;) LOVE YOU GUYS ;)
Thursday, August 25, 2011
risau dengar berita tadi ;(
takut sume ada . sebab tetiba mak panggil 'adik adik, mai tgok brita neh. ada 2 orang budak politeknik nak blik kampung tpi meninggal sebab excident'. YaAllah . gilaa lahh cuak aku tgok . sumpah kesian. dah lah nak raya. jdi plak dugaan cmtu kt dorg . kesian nye lahh .
but nak buat acane. dah ajal . tros aku msg dia . 'b b b b, esok blik elokelok. jgn bwk moto lelaju sgt . kalau ada excident pon jgn senang kne distract . jgn tgok . tros jee bwk . bia lmbat smp janji selamat .' serious takutt sgt esok dia nak blik . dah lahh naik moto . lagi risau !
memang lahh ajal maut sume kt tangan tuhan . tpi kita as manusia neh , kne mengelak b4 jadi kan ?? emmm ;( hope ta jadi pape kt dia and kekawan dia .
notes : b ! bawak moto elokelok eh ?? jgn bwk laju ! org syg b sangat eh ! ingat tauu ;)
Loveyouu muchhh more MNF <3
but nak buat acane. dah ajal . tros aku msg dia . 'b b b b, esok blik elokelok. jgn bwk moto lelaju sgt . kalau ada excident pon jgn senang kne distract . jgn tgok . tros jee bwk . bia lmbat smp janji selamat .' serious takutt sgt esok dia nak blik . dah lahh naik moto . lagi risau !
memang lahh ajal maut sume kt tangan tuhan . tpi kita as manusia neh , kne mengelak b4 jadi kan ?? emmm ;( hope ta jadi pape kt dia and kekawan dia .
notes : b ! bawak moto elokelok eh ?? jgn bwk laju ! org syg b sangat eh ! ingat tauu ;)
Loveyouu muchhh more MNF <3
a true frind is like you ;)
If I could catch a rainbow, I would do it just for you. And share with you it's beauty, on the days you're feeling blue. If I could build a mountain, you could call your very own. A place to find serenity. A place to be alone. If I could take your troubles I would toss them in the sea. But all these things I'm finding are impossible for me, I cannot build a mountain or catch a rainbow fair but let me be... what I know best, A friend that's always there.
NSE <3
NSE <3
Friday, August 19, 2011
"can we still be friends"? can anyone ever truly be friends again after break up? you give a person your everything. in turn, they learn everything about you, every insignificant fact. but suddenly they disappear. they aren't urs anymore and you are somehow supposed to talk to them. there will be awkward pauses where the "I <3 U" used to go and the colorful conversation will become dull and painful. and even if years pass, you still won't talk normally because talking to them at all will remind you why you fell in love with them in the first place .
Thursday, August 18, 2011
dah nak masuk 19 ramadhan dah ;)
yeayy ! i am so happy to celebrates RAYA with my msu friends, my techne buddy and of course my dedik dedik one ! not forgotten with MNF ;) yeaaaaaayyy ! cant wait for the holidays soon ;p
memang aku amik cuti awal lah kan . dah kata nak RAYA . padahal bpe lama agy tpi dah plan ngn classmates tana dtg start next wednesday ! gilaa kejam an ! kesian lecturers yg rajin dtg nak ajar kteorg time tuu but studenst sikit nak mati ! memintak lahh ta kne WARNING LETTER ! hahaha
since dpt experience WARNING LETTER from Mdm Ezlyn, tros cuak lahh siott nak ponteng class 3 kali ! haha ;) tuu sumpah mahal ! rindu that time ! but yg pelik ada sorg classmates pon sama ponteng in the same time. haha ! tak tahan ;p but isokay ! RAYA punya psl , bgi lahh surat mnde pon. malas aku nak pikir . janji CUTI ! even seminggu ! hee
to all muslims , SELAMAT BERPUASA OKAY ! ;)
with love :
memang aku amik cuti awal lah kan . dah kata nak RAYA . padahal bpe lama agy tpi dah plan ngn classmates tana dtg start next wednesday ! gilaa kejam an ! kesian lecturers yg rajin dtg nak ajar kteorg time tuu but studenst sikit nak mati ! memintak lahh ta kne WARNING LETTER ! hahaha
since dpt experience WARNING LETTER from Mdm Ezlyn, tros cuak lahh siott nak ponteng class 3 kali ! haha ;) tuu sumpah mahal ! rindu that time ! but yg pelik ada sorg classmates pon sama ponteng in the same time. haha ! tak tahan ;p but isokay ! RAYA punya psl , bgi lahh surat mnde pon. malas aku nak pikir . janji CUTI ! even seminggu ! hee
to all muslims , SELAMAT BERPUASA OKAY ! ;)
with love :
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
mid semester exam ! dah mcm final :(
minggu neh memang minggu yang paling aku takut pluss risau ! sebab this week , im having my mid semester exam ! seriously ! i can't face it the paper anymore ! goshh ! surely i got the lower marks ! emm :(
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cayok cayokk ! i can do it ! it just i have to struggle and struggle until my last breath ! i guess i use the strong words indeed ! :) HAHA |
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